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[BEST] Life Tips To Be Successful

Best Life Tips For The Healthy Life

Memory Tip: 
If you want to remember something important then jot it down. Don’t trust your memory. It will deceive you at the last moment.

Body Language Tip: 
Do you struggle to maintain eye contact? As you talk, just keep observing the colour of the person’s eyeballs. The jitters of making an eye contact will go away.

Mental health tip: 
Everything starts working if you unplug it. That includes you as well. Too stressed?? Take a break, unwind and start fresh.

Parenting Tip: 
Readout loud to your children even when they are old enough to read by themselves. Books can be a great way to connect with them. They can bring you closer, open up a dialogue and make you understand each other a bit more.

Weight loss Tip: 
Want to lose weight? Stop watching the news. What does the news have to do with losing weight you ask. Well, News nowadays are mostly negative and watching negative content releases a stress hormone called Cortisol. Cortisol is responsible for weight gain, heart problems, and blood pressure... Of course, you gotta steer clear off those donuts too ;) but not watching the news can surely help.

Motivation Tip: 
Willpower is temporary. Don’t rely on it. If you want to do something consistently you gotta make it a habit. And habits are formed with two things, repetition, and reward...

Getting smarter and wiser Tip: 
Listen more talk less. When you talk you are repeating the information you already know. When you listen, you have a chance to learn something new.

Grocery Shopping Tip: 
Never go grocery shopping when you are hungry... You’ll end up buying way more than you need. (Especially junk food),

Self-confidence Tip: 
The dumbest question is one that’s not asked. Ask questions and expand your knowledge. Don’t ever be shy or hesitant to ask. If someone laughs at your question… good… at least you brought some joy in their sad life... :)

Dealing with rejections Tip: 
Are you afraid of rejections? Do you avoid being in a situation where you feel you might be rejected? You are afraid cause you lack practice, Practice rejections!! Train your brain to accept and digest a "NO". Put yourself in a situation where you are most likely to be rejected, Go ahead, get rejected and observe how you feel. Get used to that feeling. Practicing rejection will make you less afraid of it. It will build your confidence. It will teach you not to dwell over a NO… It will give you the power to get what you desire in life and make you unstoppable...

Practice this and enjoy your life... Peace!!!

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